It really was a lot like birth
Three days ago one of my birth-friends remarked that the process of opening a birth center is really a lot like birth itself. It started out with an idea, it grew quickly and, near the end, it became an unstoppable and powerful cascade. I will only mention the cravings, weight gain, mood swings, and back pain as conditions incident to the plot here.
I joked back that if this is like birth, that we were in transition - the most intense part of labor, right before birth, when many women say things like “I’m not sure I can do this” right before they go on to actually do it.
That is what I was saying. I’m not sure I can do this.
But we reached deep and worked so, so hard. We cried, sweat, and bled some (yes, actually bled, nevermind that it was due to the inadvertent misuse of construction equipment). And today, the 31st of July at 4pm, we delivered the first fully licensed, freestanding birth center on the Oregon Coast.
Afterwards we cried, laughed, and shared our intense joy with our family, friends, and community.
Meet our pride and joy, Astoria Birth Center. Delivered to you after a labor of love.
Okay, I’ll stop with the birth puns.
No I won’t.
“Laughter” by Amanda Greavette, is featured in our center.